14.8. API_1 References


Currently STEPS has 6 major namespaces, divided by functionality. The steps.API_1.model namespace defines classes of chemical species in the model, as well as the reaction and diffusion objects. The steps.API_1.geom namespace contains classes that define the geometry of the model (i.e. tetrahedral meshes, compartments and patches). The steps.API_1.rng namespace contains the random number generators (currently only one generator is available). The steps.API_1.solver and steps.API_1.mpi.solver namespaces implement the simulation solvers. The steps.API_1.utilities namespace provides useful tools related to the model and geometry description, currently providing 3D tetrahedral mesh loading and saving support.


STEPS main class diagram.

Methods and attributes

For most of the set and get methods, STEPS provides corresponding attributes which can be accessed and modified directly. For example (spec is a reference to an object of type steps.API_1.model.Spec):

>>> spec.setID('Ca')

is equivalent to:

>>> spec.id = 'Ca'


>>> spec_id = spec.getID()

is equivalent to:

>>> spec_id = spec.id

Available methods and attributes of an object can be found by the built-in dir command in Python. A convention maintained in STEPS is that all attributes are completely lower-case:

>>> dir(spec)
['__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattr__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__',
'__swig_destroy__', '__swig_getmethods__', '__swig_setmethods__',
'__weakref__', 'getID', 'getModel', 'id', 'model', 'setID', 'this']

All attributes beginning with double underscore are built-in attributes related to the implementation of the type and can be ignored. So, for our steps.API_1.model.Spec() object (one of the most basic objects in STEPS) we have functions getID, setID and getModel available with attributes id and model related to those functions.