# STEPS - STochastic Engine for Pathway Simulation
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 University of Antwerp, Belgium.
# See the file AUTHORS for details.
# This file is part of STEPS.
# STEPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# STEPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
import random
from steps.API_1.geom import INDEX_DTYPE
from steps.API_1.geom import UNKNOWN_TET
from steps.API_1.geom import UNKNOWN_TRI
[docs]def createColorMap(partitions):
Genrate a random color map for a partition.
* partitions Partitions for a list of elements. The partition can be either a list, or a dict.
Return a dict color_map, for each partion in partitions, color_map[partition] gives a randomly generated color.
if isinstance(partitions, list):
color_map = {}
for part in partitions:
if part not in color_map.keys():
if part is None:
color_map[part] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
color_map[part] = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
return color_map
elif isinstance(partitions, dict):
color_map = {}
for part in partitions.values():
if part not in color_map.keys():
if part is None:
color_map[part] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
color_map[part] = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
return color_map
print("Unknown partitioning data, no color map is generated.")
return None
[docs]class TetPartitionDisplay(QMainWindow):
Partition Display
* mesh STEPS Tetmesh
* tet_partitions Partition of tetrahedrons
* title Display title
* x X cordinate of the display
* y Y cordinate of the display
* w Width of the display
* h Height of the display
* scale Scaling between STEPS mesurement and display pixel
* color_map Color map for each partition, it is a Python dict with key-value pairs as color_map[partition_id] = [red, green, blue, alpha], where partition_id is the data stored in tet_partitions. The color is defined by four parameters [red, green, blue, alpha], each with range from 0.0 to 1.0. If the partition name is not in the color map a random color will be generated. A partition assigned to None will always be colored as nontransparent red [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].
* morph_sections NEURON hoc morphology data of the mesh
* show_list List of sections to be visualized
def __init__(self, mesh, tet_partitions, title = "TetPartitionDisplay", x = 100, y = 100, w = 800, h = 600, scale = 1e6, color_map = None, morph_sections = None, show_list = None):
self.setGeometry(x, y, w, h)
self.widget = gl.GLViewWidget(self)
self.widget_mapping = {}
self.mesh = mesh
self.tet_part_table = {}
for tet in range(len(tet_partitions)):
if tet_partitions[tet] not in self.tet_part_table.keys():
self.tet_part_table[tet_partitions[tet]] = []
self.scale = scale
self.bound_min = [v * self.scale for v in mesh.getBoundMin()]
self.bound_max = [v * self.scale for v in mesh.getBoundMax()]
self.center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
axis = [0, 1, 2]
new_center = [(self.bound_min[i] + self.bound_max[i]) / 2.0 for i in axis]
pan_dist = [new_center[i] - self.center[i] for i in axis]
self.widget.pan(pan_dist[0], pan_dist[1], pan_dist[2])
dist_x = self.bound_max[0] - self.bound_min[0]
dist_y = self.bound_max[1] - self.bound_min[1]
dist_z = self.bound_max[2] - self.bound_min[2]
if dist_y >= dist_x and dist_y >= dist_z:
self.main_axis = 1
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_y * 2)
elif dist_z >= dist_x and dist_z >= dist_y:
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_z * 2)
self.main_axis = 2
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_x * 2)
self.main_axis = 0
self.center = new_center
if color_map is None:
self.color_map = {}
self.color_map = color_map
for tet_part in self.tet_part_table:
if tet_part is None:
self.color_map[None] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
if tet_part not in self.color_map:
color = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
self.color_map[tet_part] = color
part = TetPartitionMesh(self, mesh, self.tet_part_table[tet_part], color = self.color_map[tet_part])
if tet_part not in self.widget_mapping:
self.widget_mapping[tet_part] = []
if morph_sections is not None:
for sec in morph_sections.values():
c = None
if sec["name"] not in self.color_map:
print("Section ", sec["name"], " does not have defined color, generate random one instead.")
c = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
self.color_map[sec["name"]] = c
c = self.color_map[sec["name"]]
data = []
points = sec["points"]
npoints = len(points)
for i in range(npoints - 1):
p0 = points[i]
p1 = points[i+1]
data.append([p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]])
data.append([p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]])
data = np.array(data)
data.shape = -1, 3
line_color = [c[0], c[1], c[2], 1.0]
section = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos = data, color = line_color, width = 3, mode = "lines")
if sec["name"] not in self.widget_mapping:
self.widget_mapping[sec["name"]] = []
def showSections(self, section_list):
for w in self.widget.items:
for sec in section_list:
if sec not in self.widget_mapping:
print("Section ", sec, " does not have visualization compoment.")
for w in self.widget_mapping[sec]:
def _updateView(self):
axis = [0, 1, 2]
new_center = [(self.bound_min[i] + self.bound_max[i]) / 2.0 for i in axis]
pan_dist = [new_center[i] - self.center[i] for i in axis]
self.widget.pan(pan_dist[0], pan_dist[1], pan_dist[2])
dist_x = self.bound_max[0] - self.bound_min[0]
dist_y = self.bound_max[1] - self.bound_min[1]
dist_z = self.bound_max[2] - self.bound_min[2]
if dist_y >= dist_x and dist_y >= dist_z:
self.main_axis = 1
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_y * 2)
elif dist_z >= dist_x and dist_z >= dist_y:
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_z * 2)
self.main_axis = 2
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_x * 2)
self.main_axis = 0
self.center = new_center
class TetPartitionMesh(gl.GLMeshItem):
Static mesh component for a compartment
* display Parent display
* steps_mesh STEPS mesh
* tet_list Tetrahedron list of a section of the mesh
* color Color of the component
def __init__(self, display, mesh, tet_list, color = None):
self.display = display
self.mesh = mesh
if not color:
color = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
surface_tris = []
for tet in tet_list:
tris = mesh.getTetTriNeighb(tet)
for tri in tris:
if tri == UNKNOWN_TRI: continue
neighb_tets = mesh.getTriTetNeighb(tri)
for neighb_tet in neighb_tets:
if neighb_tet == UNKNOWN_TET or neighb_tet not in tet_list:
surface_tris = np.array(surface_tris, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
v_set_size = mesh.getTriVerticesSetSizeNP(surface_tris)
tris_data = np.zeros(surface_tris.size * 3, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
v_set = np.zeros(v_set_size, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
verts_data = np.zeros(v_set_size * 3)
mesh.getTriVerticesMappingSetNP(surface_tris, tris_data, v_set)
mesh.getBatchVerticesNP(v_set, verts_data)
verts_data *= display.scale
tris_data.shape = -1, 3
verts_data.shape = -1, 3
mesh_data = gl.MeshData(vertexes=verts_data, faces = tris_data)
gl.GLMeshItem.__init__(self, meshdata=mesh_data, smooth=False, computeNormals =True, shader='balloon', glOptions='additive')
[docs]class TriPartitionDisplay(QMainWindow):
Partition Display
* mesh STEPS Tetmesh
* tri_partitions Partition of triangles
* title Display title
* x X cordinate of the display
* y Y cordinate of the display
* w Width of the display
* h Height of the display
* scale Scaling between STEPS mesurement and display pixel
* color_map Color map for each partition, it is a Python dict with key-value pairs as color_map[partition_id] = [red, green, blue, alpha], where partition_id is the data stored in tet_partitions. The color is defined by four parameters [red, green, blue, alpha], each with range from 0.0 to 1.0. If the partition name is not in the color map a random color will be generated. A partition assigned to None will always be colored as nontransparent red [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].
* morph_sections NEURON hoc morphology data of the mesh
* show_list List of sections to be visualized
def __init__(self, mesh, tri_partitions, title = "TriPartitionDisplay", x = 100, y = 100, w = 800, h = 600, scale = 1e6, color_map = None, morph_sections = None, show_list = None):
self.setGeometry(x, y, w, h)
self.widget = gl.GLViewWidget(self)
self.widget_mapping = {}
self.mesh = mesh
self.tri_part_table = {}
for tri in tri_partitions:
if tri_partitions[tri] not in self.tri_part_table.keys():
self.tri_part_table[tri_partitions[tri]] = []
self.scale = scale
self.bound_min = [v * self.scale for v in mesh.getBoundMin()]
self.bound_max = [v * self.scale for v in mesh.getBoundMax()]
self.center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
axis = [0, 1, 2]
new_center = [(self.bound_min[i] + self.bound_max[i]) / 2.0 for i in axis]
pan_dist = [new_center[i] - self.center[i] for i in axis]
self.widget.pan(pan_dist[0], pan_dist[1], pan_dist[2])
dist_x = self.bound_max[0] - self.bound_min[0]
dist_y = self.bound_max[1] - self.bound_min[1]
dist_z = self.bound_max[2] - self.bound_min[2]
if dist_y >= dist_x and dist_y >= dist_z:
self.main_axis = 1
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_y * 2)
elif dist_z >= dist_x and dist_z >= dist_y:
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_z * 2)
self.main_axis = 2
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_x * 2)
self.main_axis = 0
self.center = new_center
if color_map == None:
self.color_map = {}
self.color_map = color_map
for tri_part in self.tri_part_table:
if tri_part == None:
self.color_map[None] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
if tri_part not in self.color_map:
color = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
self.color_map[tri_part] = color
part = TriPartitionMesh(self, mesh, self.tri_part_table[tri_part], color = self.color_map[tri_part])
if tri_part not in self.widget_mapping:
self.widget_mapping[tri_part] = []
if morph_sections != None:
for sec in morph_sections.values():
c = None
if sec["name"] not in self.color_map:
print("Section ", sec["name"], " does not have defined color, generate random one instead.")
c = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
self.color_map[sec["name"]] = c
c = self.color_map[sec["name"]]
data = []
points = sec["points"]
npoints = len(points)
for i in range(npoints - 1):
p0 = points[i]
p1 = points[i+1]
data.append([p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]])
data.append([p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]])
data = np.array(data)
data.shape = -1, 3
line_color = [c[0], c[1], c[2], 1.0]
section = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos = data, color = line_color, width = 3, mode = "lines")
if sec["name"] not in self.widget_mapping:
self.widget_mapping[sec["name"]] = []
def showSections(self, section_list):
for w in self.widget.items:
for sec in section_list:
if sec not in self.widget_mapping:
print("Section ", sec, " does not have visualization compoment.")
for w in self.widget_mapping[sec]:
def _updateView(self):
axis = [0, 1, 2]
new_center = [(self.bound_min[i] + self.bound_max[i]) / 2.0 for i in axis]
pan_dist = [new_center[i] - self.center[i] for i in axis]
self.widget.pan(pan_dist[0], pan_dist[1], pan_dist[2])
dist_x = self.bound_max[0] - self.bound_min[0]
dist_y = self.bound_max[1] - self.bound_min[1]
dist_z = self.bound_max[2] - self.bound_min[2]
if dist_y >= dist_x and dist_y >= dist_z:
self.main_axis = 1
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_y * 2)
elif dist_z >= dist_x and dist_z >= dist_y:
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_z * 2)
self.main_axis = 2
self.widget.setCameraPosition(distance=dist_x * 2)
self.main_axis = 0
self.center = new_center
class TriPartitionMesh(gl.GLMeshItem):
Static mesh component for a compartment
* display Parent display
* steps_mesh STEPS mesh
* tri_list Triangle list of a section of the mesh
* color Color of the component
def __init__(self, display, mesh, tri_list, color = None):
self.display = display
self.mesh = mesh
if not color:
color = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.3]
surface_tris = np.array(tri_list, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
v_set_size = mesh.getTriVerticesSetSizeNP(surface_tris)
tris_data = np.zeros(surface_tris.size * 3, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
v_set = np.zeros(v_set_size, dtype = INDEX_DTYPE)
verts_data = np.zeros(v_set_size * 3)
mesh.getTriVerticesMappingSetNP(surface_tris, tris_data, v_set)
mesh.getBatchVerticesNP(v_set, verts_data)
verts_data *= display.scale
tris_data.shape = -1, 3
verts_data.shape = -1, 3
mesh_data = gl.MeshData(vertexes=verts_data, faces = tris_data)
gl.GLMeshItem.__init__(self, meshdata=mesh_data, smooth=False, computeNormals =True, shader='balloon', glOptions='additive')